consulting [ kdg-mediatech ] - [ DaTARIUS ] - [ Star-Force ] - [ AST CHINA ] - [ CMS SCHREDER ]
Mid Term and Long Term "Management Services":Mid- or long term management services shall be understood as full time or part time appointment as Project Manager / Supervisor, R&D Manager / Supervisor, Product Manager, Marketing Consultant, General Manager, or a comparable function. Such services can pre provided under a "Management Service Contract" (non-employee status, or eventually also under an "employment contract" (Austria only). - Availability and terms are subject to discussions on a case-by-case base.
Short Term Consultancy and Management Service Fees:Consultancy fees will be agreed on a case-by-case base, depending on the type and size of the project, the type of consultancy service provided, and the profile, size and location of the client. Standard Consulting Fees, per hour: C1: Standard technical & project training and consulting: € 150.- per hour; C2: Marketing and legal consulting, market research: € 190.- per hour; C3: Software design & coding (PLC, MS-SQL, Pic): € 110.- per hour; Mid term project management & training contract: under special agreement; Compensation for Communication and office expenses:Internet
communication (email): Outgoing or mobile
roaming telephone calls and faxes: Laser prints and
photo copies, document shipping: Compensation for Traveling and Living Expenses:Transportation (airline, train, taxi, rental car, ...) and hotel expenses, if not covered directly by the client, will be invoiced "at costs" plus an administration surcharge of 10%. For flights Gerhard Papst is entitled to use business class with an international airline. The client will assist Mr. Papst in arranging local transportation and hotels according to - at least - "basic European standards". Living expenses will be charged at a fixed rate of EURO 60.- per day, also for the days of traveling, and for staying at the client's site during eventual non-working days (weekend, holidays). All such traveling and living expenses will be charged in any case, even without an explicit order or a special agreement. Gepa Consulting may request an advanced payment (deposit) for expenses. Terms of payment:
Consulancy fees: 50 % down payment "flat fee" or to be expected
fees, payable in advance;
Traveling costs: Payable in advance, immediately
after Gepa invoice;
Law, Consultancy Code, Limited Liability:The cooperation between the Client and Gerhard Papst (Gepa Consulting) is solely and exclusively based on the applicable laws of Austria, and on the "Code for Management Consultants" as published by the Austrian Chamber of Commerce. Any eventual dispute shall be mutually settled between the Client and Gerhard Papst (Gepa Consulting). - For NON-EC clients: If a mutual settlement is not possible within 3 month of negoitiation, both parties agree to settle the case at an arbitration council at the International Chamber of Commerce in Geneva/Switzerland, according to the ICC rules of arbitration. - For EC clients: The case shall be settled at the applicable court at the place of the registerted office of Gerhard Papst in Austria, and under the laws of Austria. Any statement and opinion disclosed under a consultancy contract must be understood as the "limited professional personal opinion of the consultant", based on the information and data provided by the client, and on general knowledge and publically available information. It DOES NOT CONSIDER any risk of change of market conditions, laws and regulations, change in requirements, third party action. It MUST NOT, IN ANY WHATSOEVER WAY, BE UNDESTOOD OR INTERPRETED as a qualified forecast, qualified recommendation for action and decisions. ANY LIABILITY OF THE CONSULTANT, especially but not limited to liabilities for direct or indirect damages, for eventual loss of profit, loss of market position, what so ever, IS STRICTLY EXCLUDED. |