consulting [ kdg-mediatech ] - [ DaTARIUS ] - [ Star-Force ] - [ AST CHINA ] - [ CMS SCHREDER ]
2015 - today: Project Management; CMS Schreder GmbH. ; CMS Schreder GmbH.
2009 - today: Project Manager & Team Leader; KOCH MEDIA GROUP; KOCH MEDIA logistics centre in Hoefen/Austria distributes media products (software, games, DVD, books, ...) to Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria and other EC countries. The KOCH internal engineering team develops and upgrades systems and machinery for warehouse and logistics applications, Since 2009, Gerhard Papst acts as project manager, team leader, technical consultant and software development manager. - Improvements and HW/SW upgrades of AMADEUS fully automated order picking system; - Improvements of the semi-automated order picking system (roller conveyors and boxes); - Development of equipment and procedures, to enhance performance and operator convenience; - Development of a new automated sorter; >700 targets, highly compact, costs-efficient and modular; - Development of a micro-size edge tracing solution, based on PIC/Microchip and optical line sensors; - Software: Implementation of a technical information system, based on MS-SQL-Server; - Software: Coding of the sorter software, based on Bernecker & Rainer, ST (Structured Text); - Development of an OCR solution, to identify and verify license codes on software/games printwork; - Implementation of procedures and reporting to trace performance of the KOCH enineering team; - Marketing: Create video clips and papers to promote KOCH-Gepa developed HW/SW products; - Marketing: Establish contacts to potential parters on sales m& manufacturing of HW/SW products;
2004 - 2010: General Manager - AST-Beijing Refrigeration & Solar Tec. (China): General Manager of "AST Refrigeration and Solar Technology (Beijing) Co. Ltd.", a fully operational Chinese WFOE, a subsidiary of Austrian based "AST Eis- und Solartechnik" in Reutte/Tirol. - With a small team of just 6 -8 Chinese employees (two to three local engineers, one marketing assistant, one accountant, two workers), AST has gained about 30% market share in just 2 years of full commercial operations. - The two completed ice rink projects (Hong Kong, Shenzhen) are the first and only ones in the 18 years AST history, where AST has acted as a "General Contractor", also are the largest-ever single projects in AST history with respect to revenue and turn key supply and services. Additional 3 large projects are under construction.
- Prepare and arrange the legal procedures for the
incorporation of a Chinese WFOE;
2003-2005: General Manager - StarForce Technologies; (Moscow, Russia): StarForce Technologie Ltd. is one of the three worldwide leading software companies in the area of software copy protection for CD-Rom and DVD, and high security licensing protection software. Gepa was appointed as GM for 16 month, with the below targets:
- Introduce an European working style to
the Russian marketing and developers team;
2002 - today: Short Term / Mid Term Consulting and Management Projects: 2011: Assist a Chinese company leading in precision cooling (IT / Telecom AC) to establish a service network in Europe; 2010: Assist a globally acting acting media manufacturer in evaluating a project to establish a factory in Eastern Europe; 2002: Assisting an Austrian media and office supplies distribution company in developing a marketing strategy, training of their sale and marketing staff, and work on product placement, to sell CDR media through their office supplies channels; 2002/03 Assisting an European group of investors in the evaluation, business plan, P&L calculation, factory and logistics design, and equipment purchasing negotiations, on a large scale start up company (manufacturing Recordable Optical Media); 2002/03: Market Research (implementation base, competitors analysis, tech requirements) for a German IT company active in industrial production an quality management software; assisting the company in running a reference project; 2002/05 Assisting a Russian based software company active in Copy Protection technology, in marketing their product in Europe and in improving their software and customer support for the European Market; act as "Agent" on behave of StarForce; 2002/03: Assisting a German / Hong Kong based machinery company active in specialized printing machines, in marketing their product in Europe, and in adapting their technology for European Optical Disc market; 2003: Product evaluation and development proposal for new quality test product range for the optical disc industry, for a leading German supplier of optical measurement technology products; 2003/04: Market research in Asia, and starting to build up a partner network in China, for an Austrian company having its business in artificial ice rinks, solar technology, and refrigeration plant products; 2004: Exhibition services, including preparation of promotion videos and localized PR and sales literature, for Artificial Ice Rinks into the Chinese Market; including translation and Design Services; 2004: Patent and technology research (Patent Analysis) in the area of enhanced Optical Disc Media, for a leading European CD- and DVD manufacturer; 2005: Evaluate, prepare and arrange the incorporation of AST-China in Beijing, as a WFOE ("Wholly foreign owned enterprise"), with business licenses for manufacturing, rental, import/export, and all related services. Appointed as "General Manager".
Member of the Board (COO, Vorstand) at KDG Mediatech AG; 1997: Establishing the collaboration with IBOS for closed loop process control; 1998: Introduction of Lotus Notes as platform for documents management, group scheduling and group workflows, and - as a side effect - as the new companies email system; Coordinating the development of an in-house copy protection solution for CD-Rom; 1999/2000: Evaluation of an ERP system for the Tester Division, and implementation of MOVEX ERP system; 2000:
Start of the developed of an
inhouse CRM / CSM system based on Lotus Notes; 2001: Re-engineering of workflows and process / quality management in the Austrian plant; 2002: Termination of the Management Contract with KDG, and decision to work as independent Consultant; 1984 - 2002: 18 years at KOCH Records / KOCH Digitaldisc / kdg / Datarius:1984: Studio manager, design and installation of a mobile multi-track recording unit; 1985/86:
Introducing digital recording and pre-mastering at the KOCH
studios. 1986:
Quality Manager
for the new CD and Vinyl production; 1987: Concept
for a computerized multi-player CD-test system; Installation of a Novell based computer
network for the manufacturing; 1988:
Overall responsibility for all KOCH Digitaldisc
operations; 1990: First
viability studies about
an eventual CDR production
at KOCH; 1991: Concept for automated commissioning and order picking system, now installed as the key logistics element in all KOCH International distribution centers. 1992: Software and hardware concept
for the next generation of CD testers; 1993: Enlarged marketing and sales activities for/in Asia for the CD tester; 1993-1997: Establishing local representatives in Thailand, Taiwan, China, Singapore, Korea, India and in the US; 1993/1994: Introducing and promoting "Jitter" as a key parameter for CD testing; 1994: Establish the contacts with Family Agarwal in India, to form KOCH Rajes as the first CD replication plant in Mumbai/India; ... and: Concept for a small birefringence tester as a part of the KOCH test systems; 1995: Concept and patents for a multi format CD Stamper tester which became the base for the KOCH multi format CD and DVD testers; 1996: Coordinating the CI ("Corporate Identity") project for KOCH Digitaldisc, including the production of different videos for training and for external presentation, and the content and structure design of the first KOCH Digitaldisc Web-Site; ... and: Project management of the portation of the inhouse developed PPS system to WINDOWS and ORACLE; ... and: Planning
and setup of the CDR production in Austria; 1997: Involved in the commercial and legal aspects of the institutional buy-out of KDD, and in the legal the formation and incorporation of the new "KDG - Koch Dureco Group";
1974 - 1984: Software engineering, media production, teaching (High School): In
parallel: - A
system for the "Scientific
Nuclear Reactor Center" at
TU Graz; - A complex system to measure, qualify and sort "fresh-cut" wood by using multiple linear CCD-cameras, data-reduced picture analysis , combination of microprocessors and mini-computer-technology and dedicated hardware, a worker-friendly user interface and interfaces to commercial mainframes. In
parallel: In
parallel: Development of the study plans and the content for "Multimedia" studies at the Technical High School in Graz; Extraordinary Professor to teach this content for the first three year (electronics, physics and psycho-acoustics, life audio recording for film/video, audio post-production for film/video).
1974 - 1978 Parallel Studies
at two Universities in Graz/Austria: