gepa consulting
Gerhard Papst    -   Project & Management Consulting

 Papers & Patents

  [ kdg-mediatech ] - [ DaTARIUS ] - [ Star-Force ] - [ AST CHINA ] - [ CMS SCHREDER ]



Technical Presentations and Papers:

1992/93:     "CD Total Quality Management - A Global Approach"
(at AES Europe Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
(at Replitech Conference, Los Angeles, USA)

1993:      "Jitter Measurement - a new parameter for Compact Disc"
(at Replitech Conferences USA / Europe); Publ: "One to One" Magazine

1994:      "Stamper Measurement and Statistical Process Control"
(at three Replitech Conferences in USA / Europe / Singapore)

1997:      "Performance Analysis - A new method to qualify CD-R Media"
(at two Replitech Conferences in Europe and USA);
(at the OSTA USA annual meeting; San Francisco, USA);
(at Recordable Media Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands)     

1998/99:     "Jitter Measurement for DVD - The Theory and Technology";
(at three Replitech Technology Conferences, fall 1998 and spring 1999, 
in Vienna/Austria,  Hong Kong, and in San Francisco/ CA/ USA);

1998:          "Optical Media - An Outlook for Asia" (Studio Systems; India);
(at Optical Disk Technology Conference; Bombay; India);

1999:      "CDR Technology in a Competitive Media Marketplace"
(at OSTA ROM-Media Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands);

2000:      "Piracy and Content Protection - Industrial Questions and Answers"
(AES Netherlands Group meeting;  01/2000; Amsterdam, Netherlands);
(at "New Media 2000", 04/2000; Frankfurt Fair; Germany );

2000:      "CDR Media Compatibility Measurement in Production Environment"
(at Replitech Europe 02/2000, Geneva/Switzerland);
(at Replitech USA 06/2000, Los Angeles, USA);

2000:       "Innovation and High Tech - Communication and the new analphabetism"
(at "Europäisches Forum Alpbach", 08/2000; Alpbach, Austria);

2000:       "An Optical Media Outlook - CD, DVD and beyond"
(for SRT Seminar, Schule für Rundfunktechnik, 08/2000; Elbigenalp; Austria);

2002:      "Commercial and Process Requirements for a CDR Startup Company"
(at Replication Asia Conference; 03/2002; New Delhi, India);

Trainings held on Optical Media Technology, anti-piracy, copy protection and more at companies, seminars and events in different countries  in Asia,  and on local company and conference events in Europe.


Membership in Organisations:

ODMA - Optical Disc Manufacturing Association, USA

Bundesverband der Phonographischen Industrie - Deutschland
(Phonographics Industry Asc.; a
sub-division of the German IFPI)

Deutsche Elektrotechnische Kommission im DIN und VDE
(Industry Standards Committee, K-111, UK 742.1
, Recording Technologies)

"Österreichischen Tonmeister-Verband"
(Austrian Recording Engineers Asc.)



1995:      "Apparatus for Stamper Measurement"

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Copyright © 2002-2020 Gerhard Papst, Gepa Consulting, Lamberg 34, A-8411 Hengsberg, Graz - AUSTRIA;    Latest Release:  2014-09-15 - Latest Update:  15. September 2020